Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snow Job

Beverage: Faygo Black Cherry + a little Meijer cherry cola
Audio: Prairie Home Companion

So... like it probably is at your house, we have had very little winter this year so far.  For me, this is problematic, since I supposedly have a job at a local ski resort, but they've yet to call me in.  I can understand that it's been slow and they haven't had much business, but on the other hand, I'm not working, either.

As a result, I've been pretty pro-snow this year (despite the lack of it), and when we got our little blizzard last weekend, I was VERY happy.  Still haven't been called, but at least (I thought) the likelihood is growing.

And yet... living as I am currently with a couple senior citizens, I can see why folks like them thought the mild, warm winter was just FINE.  And we have a lot of folks like them in this town.

So I'm starting to look for another job - always a treat in the county with the highest unemployment rate in the state.  20 years ago, I was so well-known in this town, I was NEVER without a job for more than a week or two.  Not so anymore.  Oy.  

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